Explain Why Guns Should Not Be Banned

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Wes Upah
Ms. Murphy
Advanced Language Arts 10
16 November 2017
Should Guns be Outlawed?
Do you think that guns should banned from being owned in the United States? The United States should not ban guns because they have been used forever and they are apart of many peoples lives. Guns should not be outlawed because people use them for hunting, self defense, and our founding fathers signed the second amendment.
If the right to own guns is taken away, then people will not be able to go hunting. Without hunting, animals would start to over populate because the majority of wild animals are killed by hunters. Taking away guns would take away the hobby of almost 14 million people that never did anything wrong. If guns were taken away and there was nothing to hunt with, the government would lose nearly 25 billion dollars and nearly 575,000 jobs would be lost. Taking away guns from American citizens …show more content…

What if someone came charging at you with a knife? Would a gun be helpful in this situation? A couple of weeks ago, there was a shooting at a Texas church. The shooter was later killed by a normal man that had a gun for self defense. If this man did not have a gun, than the shooter would have killed even more innocent lives. This is an example of why guns should not be banned. If the shooter did not have possession of a gun, and really wanted to act out the attack, he could have easily gone to another country and bought one anyway.
According to the Second Amendment, Americans have the right to own guns since the founding of the United States. “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed,” is stated in the United States Constitution. The internet is to blame for all of the mass shootings. People are publicizing these acts of terror all over the internet, all day long, which is leading other people to believe this type of behavior is

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