Explain Why A Democracy Voting Should Not Be Compulsory

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In my debate I argued that in a democracy voting should not be compulsory. I argued that a democracy gives you rights and freedoms which should not be violated by making voting mandatory. Also that not everyone can vote because they aren't educated which can either be because they don’t have the resources or don’t want to. In either of those cases they can’t make the best decision for the people.
Would you say that it is important in a democracy to have freedom of expression? My first contention states that we shouldn’t be forced to do anything in a democracy. My contention means that a democracy gives us freedoms and rights which can’t be taken away. If I asked my partner if freedom of expression was important he would agree that it is. Then how could he argue that voting should be mandatory in a democracy because there are two sides to freedom of expression. You can either choose to voice your opinion or keep it quiet and he would be saying that it is important but …show more content…

This means that if the government is violating its citizens’ rights than the government isn’t valid which means the society won’t be able to function without a valid government. If I asked my opponent if it was more important to make the collective good happy or individuals happy he would argue that the collective good was more important. However he would be missing the fact that the individuals make up the society as a whole and so if the individuals aren’t happy than the majority of people or the collective good won’t be happy. As I said in my debate, John Stewart Mill believes that since each individual is different they should be given full freedom in order to achieve their goals and interests. Therefore, voting should not be mandatory because each individual should be valued over the collective good so that the government will run smoothly by assuring the citizens their

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