Explain What Was A Legacy Of The 1920's

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Radios allowed for the United States to be more united. Automobiles allowed for more efficient transportation. Motion pictures were rising. Female dancers also known as flappers expressed the changes in women. Radios, refrigeratorrs, automobiles, motionpictures, female dancers, this was the roaring twenties; what a lot of people consider when they think of the American dream. Hidden, however, beneath the surface was hypocracy, failure, debt- all things leading up to the stock market crash in 1929 that not too many people talk about. This time period marked legacies such as the empowerment of women, government’s push towards normalcy, and buisness become the main focus for the people. Business was booming. In fact, buisness was a major focus for many Americans. Business was a wonderful thing! Buisness was everything that one could imagine: art, science, education, opportunity, philanthropy, religion. The biggest of these is opportunity. The more opportunity one has, the more money he or she can accumulate, the more freedom he or she has because her or she can afford to buy these extravagent new technologies. Having a business was a big deal in the 1920s. If one wanted …show more content…

Individual self-expression and autonomy was progressively becomnig apparent for no matter the gender of a person or race of a person. The right to vote was in it of itself cause for more independent women. This was an important change considering men had been dominating the government since the formation of the United States. Not only did women gain more political power, they became more independent. The flapper era gave women more sexual and personal freedom. This was a huge step for women, and greatly impacts our lives today. The increased sexuality in women; this was a big change because open sexuality was strongly opposed by Catholicism. People started to live for themselves instead of following strict religious

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