Explain What Is The Paradox Of Thrift

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1. What is the paradox of thrift? Is Saving Good or Bad? Is it real?
Paradox of thrift is described in the reading as an economic theory which hypothesize that a person savings is a hindrance on the economy, when deciding to save, develops a domino effect, on the individual’s saving and individuals who are relying on the spending as one’s income. Saving can be a good thing since “the $100 in new saving is deposited into a savings account, giving a bank extra money to lend out—that is, the bank has more “loanable funds.” The bank does not simply want to sit on the newly deposited funds (that would be the equivalent of the saver stuffing the money into her mattress). To attract new borrowers, the bank lowers the interest rate that it charges on loans” (Muddy Water Macro. 2017), which is an ongoing economic cycle that is very real. …show more content…

Give an example of the paradox of thrift.
An example of a paradox of thrift is trying to save for retirement. You are trying to project what the cost of living would be at the time of retirement, by taking into account how the economy is currently and forecasting what the cost of living may or may not be. Example you decide to put aside $500 vs. $250 each month, the additional $ 250 may come from living expenses (renting vs. moving back home, car vs. public transportation, and bringing your lunch vs. eating out). One would say “Since one person’s spending becomes another person’s income, decreased spending destroys income. Ignoring this crucial fact leads to the fallacy of composition (what seems intuitive for an individual may not hold for the entire economy)” (Muddy Water Macro. 2017).
3. What is the reverse paradox of thrift?
The reverse paradox of thrift is the theory that spending generates and/or creates prosperity (income), which in turn is great for the

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