Explain The Recommendations For Proper Placement Of A Laptop

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Describe the recommendations for proper placement of a laptop? The recommendations for proper placement of a laptop are having the screen raised to be within eyesight, raising a chair in order for elbows to be parallel or a bit higher than the keyboard, and adjusting the screen to a proper angle to avoid glare and the need to strain the neck to see. It was also suggested that a lap top be placed on something stable like a table or laptop stand. Along with that suggestion was to keep the screen clean to prevent eye strain. Describe the recommendations for proper placement of a keyboard/desktop? The proper placement for a keyboard/desktop is to keep the desktop monitor at arm’s length distance and directly in front of you. The monitor should …show more content…

Describe why you rated your posture this way. I rated my posture this way because I have a tendency to strain my neck while using my laptop. I don’t adjust my laptop to the level of my eyesight. This causes me to bend down to look at what I am typing. Aside from that issue, I often sit in one position for many hours at a time. This causes me to become stiff and my lower back is often in pain by then end of my laptop use. What are 5 things you could change to improve your posture during computer/laptop use? The first thing I can do to improve my posture is to raise my laptop up in order to put in line with my eyes. The second thing I could implement is using a wireless keyboard and mouse with my laptop. This would keep my arms and wrist within the proper lengths and angles. Next I would be careful of how I am angling my neck. I tend to bend my neck over the laptop and it puts strain on my back and neck. I will use the tucking of the chin method. Another improvement I could make is to use a chair that doesn’t have arm rests. This would help prevent me from resting my arms on the chair. Finally, I will take frequent breaks while using my laptop. I tend to stay in one position for hours at a time which makes me stiff and places strain on my

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