Explain The Flaws Of The Federal Constitution

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The United States constitution is a great document. It has built a government system from scratch that has withstanded the test of time long enough to become the longest lasting government in the history of the world. But, even the constitution has it’s flaws. When the framers were creating the constitution they knew it would not be a perfect document so they left guidelines for how to change it when needed. Unfortunately sometimes things that might seem like second nature slip by and don’t get put into these kinds of documents. I am proposing that a change gets made to the constitution by imposing a requirement that the congress and the Chief Executive work together to establish a federal budget. The bill must contain a provision requiring congress to reduce spending throughout all areas of the federal budget. The congress and the presidency have always had a precedent of submitting a balanced federal budget but it was very often farce and not taken seriously. The federal budget is something that is very important to balance. You can see what happens when we don’t take precautions on the budget by looking at the current debt crisis we are in.

The federal budget has been a partisan issue since the dawn of politics. People always bicker about what to spend on but what we can’t …show more content…

If you raise taxes, even for a good reason you can almost guarantee that the party in charge will receive a significant amount of flak from both the media and the voters. Unless the tax being raised was raised to directly benefit the people the most likely story is that you and your party are going to get some bad press even if it is for the greater good. The average citizen does not understand nor does he care. He just sees that he has to pay more money and it’s not helping him with the negative review on your term you won’t be working long enough to get anything real

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