Explain How Did The Alphabet Agencies Help To Address American Recovery

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Question #2: What was your impression of the Great Depression in America and how did American life change as a result of it? What new understanding do you now have about this event? What was the New Deal and what contributions were made? How did the alphabet agencies help to address American recovery?
Upon accepting the Democratic Party’s nomination for president, Franklin Roosevelt promised to bring innovation to Washington. It would be, he told delegates, “a new deal for the American people.” And indeed it was. Roosevelt directed the majority of the government’s energy over the next six years into aggressively trying everything his advisors could think of to save the economy. Though the administration did not bring the nation out of …show more content…

The administration primarily focused on immediate relief for obvious symptoms of the Depression—unemployment, low agricultural prices, lack of confidence in banks, and stagnant industry. None of these programs was ever intended to be permanent, and –before New Dealers fully grasped the Depression’s depths—they were thought to be adequate responses. “Relief” best describes these measures. As an example, the national bank holiday and bailout of insolvent financial institutions passed within hours of Roosevelt becoming president. So did direct aid to the urban poor, usually in the form of unskilled, sometimes made-work jobs, put into effect by the Federal Emergency Relief Agency (FERA). Some relief measures were much more complex and represented more carefully thought-out responses. Rather than exhaustively list and describe each program of the New Deal, this unit will instead focus on a few programs as examples. Choose a card from the “It’s a New Deal interaction” to learn more about the New Deal programs. Unemployment remained at roughly 20 percent throughout 1934 and 1935. Some Roosevelt

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