Exclusionary Rule Case Study

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Before going into explaining the exceptions to the exclusionary rule, let’s get a better understanding on what the exclusionary rule is. The Exclusionary Rule is meant to deter any illegal police conduct and to not be punished for any errors that are made during the process of doing their work. It’s also stated that the exclusionary rule also bars the admission of any evidence obtained by the government which is in violation of the constitution (Legal Information Institute, n.d.). Such rule mostly involves cases of search and seizure, arrests, interrogations and stop-and-frisk violations (Lyman, pg. 88). With that being said, the rule is to make sure that everything is clear cut when it comes to any arrest and going to trial. One does …show more content…

Leon. This case or exception came into play when the defendant (Alberto Leon) argued that the search in which the police performed in his home was illegal because the tip and the surveillance video being used was not sufficient enough to create a probable cause for a search warrant and due to such search the warrant was invalid and all evidence collected needed to be dismissed based on the exclusionary rule (Casebriefs, 2015). With that being said and his defense the judge allowed the evidence to be admitted into trial because he felt that the police officers was acting in good faith of the exclusionary rule and because of that it doesn’t have a deterrent effect and they followed the rules at the best of their knowledge (Legal Information Institute, n.d). This exception is used at a trial when evidence is collected in an agreeance of an unlawful search and seizure but if the officer had reasonable belief that they were acting to the lawful rule of a search warrant, the illegal seizer evidence will be considered admissible. According to the courts they will only exclude evidence …show more content…

This particular exception enforces police officers to follow the rules in obtaining a warrant and to make sure all the i’s are dotted and t’s are cross. There’s no room for anyone acting illegal in regards to the good faith exception. The benefits one may experience in the criminal investigations would be that changes the law but some may think that isn’t a benefit when it comes to investigating a crime but it assures that using the good faith exception what was once questioned to be unlawful to be admissible in court will be used as evidence(Kerr,n.d). The next listed Exception is The Inevitable Discovery Doctrine which developed in the early 1980s in a case of Nix v. Williams. Whereas a 10 year old girl was murdered by Williams (Robert) in which Williams was arrested and arraigned in Davenport, Iowa. In the process of traveling back to Des Moines, Iowa the officers insisted that they would not question the suspect but in the time of the drive one of the officers began to hold a general conversation with

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