Examples Of Verbal De-Escalation

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as unknowing and uncaring. Also, a real smile is fine; however, a fake smile can escalate the situation further. Let the individual know the conversation is unquestionably about them. We accomplish this by listening, making eye contact, the occasional head nod, and not allowing for distractions whenever possible. The use of your voice in verbal de-escalation includes the tone, volume, and rate of speech. All three of these things affect the message you are sending with your voice. We have all heard the saying “what you say is not as powerful as how you say it.” Having a poor tone allows the client to interpret your message in their own way. This makes our de-escalation attempt more difficult. We do not want to raise our voice above that of the escalated client. However, you do not want to speak so softly nobody can hear you either. If you are trying to talk too fast it can come across as you are nervous. When words are spoken more slowly it can be considered calming. A steady and clear voice will reduce the uneasiness of the client. Here are some guidelines to follow when putting your verbal de-escalation skills to work. Do not yell over a screaming client. Every time you have to raise your voice the client will raise their voice, and this is the opposite of verbal …show more content…

In order for this to happen each employee has to make sure the employee next to them is using proper verbal de-escalation skills and most importantly treating clients with respect. I use to remind new officers in corrections that they needed to treat the inmates like they would want one of their family members treated if they were incarcerated for any reason. What we need to understand is everyone has someone on the outside that cares about them; and their expectation is that person is being treated in a fair and respectful

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