Examples Of Utopia In A Perfect World

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In a perfect world there would be no violence ,discrimination, economic inequallity or hate towards any type of people. In the modern world a Utopia is commonly expressed as one with balance in social, economic and political aspects. In a perfect world there would be no violence ,discrimination or hate towards any type of people. Assistance would be given to those in need. The economy would be in great shape there would be no poor nor rich everyone would be equal. This type of utopia will be slightly communist as it shares the wealth with its people. A perfect world would have a population of people in great stride and happiness. A perfect world would have living in peace in harmony no matter the color on your skin.

In order to create a …show more content…

The courts are relentless and do not believe. As with a utopia this type of situation would have never occurred. A utopia would have advanced technology to prevent the abuse of the justice system over favoritism. As judge danforth obviously loves the idea of witchcraft, Abigail provides him with an easy way to mention it. With the final chapter of the Crucible the final pieces of the crucible is evident.

Lastly at the end of the Crucible John Proctor is going to be hung for his dishonesty towards the court. The courts believe if he commits falsely to witchcraft then he will not be hanged. A utopia would not allow this because the truth would be found by using various”lie detecting” Technologies and structured Evidence. The Crucible was one of the finest examples of evidence on how a utopia should not be like.

Some people may disagree with the idea of an perfect world. As some people may say that it is impossible for humans to live in a perfect society, us as humans have flaws and differences and we are prone to war and fights and criticism of of other peoples differences. Some people will say that there is no way to create a perfect world, that us humans are doomed to our own demise. However There has been great change in history. Blacks can vote, Samesex marrige is legal in almost every state. If we as humans can change yourself at this rate we can be able to come together and build a

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