Examples Of Trope In Medea

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In Roman and/or Greek literature, the trope of the abandoned heroine arises time and time again. Catullus grapples with this trope in Carmen 64 through the character of Ariadne. Vergil’s Aeneid then further carries on the tradition with characters Aeneas and Dido. Euripides, as one of the early creators of such a trope, composes a powerful and captivating account of the abandoned heroine trope through his character and play, which share a namesake: Medea. Not only does this trope arise in literature, but also in the iconography of various artworks, all inspired by Euripides’ Medea, like Medea Meditating the Murder of her Children, Medea Furious, and The Medea Krater. Altogether, Euripides’ narrative, along with the three pieces …show more content…

Upon laying out the plans, the diction “soft” Euripides inserts for Medea reveals a sharp contrast between what Medea wants Jason to perceive and how she feels at this current moment (Medea. 776). Medea, who is angered by Jason’s foul actions, plans out her revenge most strategically, especially because she wants everything to go perfectly. “Soft” represents the quintessential theme of sincerity and love, which Medea chooses to run through her plan of vengeance. By first speaking “soft” words to him, Medea can appeal to Jason’s ego and bring his guard down, as this apology and these sweet words will make him believe he is in the right. She perpetuates the “soft” motif through the role of the children in her scheme. Medea decides that she will use her two “children” as pawns to soften up Jason’s new wife and Creon’s daughter, so that she can fall for the gifts they bring (Medea. 784). “Snare” further supports the fact that Medea wants to use her children as pawns to kill the king’s daughter (Medea. 783). When thinking of a snare, the thought that arises in one’s mind is that there is some sort of trap involved. The presence of the diction “snare” suggests that the trap that will follow was well calculated and planned

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