Examples Of Transcendentalism In To A Waterfowl

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The general definition of transcend is ``to exceed, excel, or surpass. `` The word transcend, however, can also be broken down into two literal parts -- ``trans`` meaning ``over`` and ``scend`` (deriving from the Latin word scandare), meaning ``to climb. `` These literal meanings imply that transcendentalism is the philosophy in which intuition is thought to be superior to sensory experience in determining truth or reality. Bryant effectively illustrates the third cornerstone, Nature, through the use of Nature itself as a moral teacher. For example, in The Yellow Violet, the delicate little flower is designed to show how easy it is for one to forget those who help pave the way for him in life. The Fringed Gentian, another beautiful but melancholy flower is intended to give hope to those who need it in a time of death. The last lesson in To a Waterfowl is intended to show that just as God guides the waterfowl to its ``summer home``, so He will guide Bryant through life to his ultimate destination. In this excerpt, Longfellow expresses his regret over not having taken the opportunity to pursue what he loved. In the same way, Longfellow urges young people to pursue the ``aspiration of their youth`` and to live life chasing their dreams, without regret. These men had one primary goal …show more content…

The Bible states in Romans 3:23 that basically all men are inherently evil and have fallen short of God`s glory. We do not have the capacity to ever be good by our own might, nor do we have the capacity be directed by our conscience due to our flawed nature. In return, the Bible not only tells us to respect the government officials over us, but also commands us to do what is required of us, if it is not contrary to God`s Law (Romans 13:1-2; I Peter 2:13a; Matthew 22:21; and Acts

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