Examples Of Transcendentalism In Into The Wild

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Transcendentalism is a large idea that few people embrace because they act with the majority of the population. It is defined as going beyond expectations while living an independent life. However, a graduate from Emory, Chris McCandless, is inspired by Emerson’s and Thoreau’s essays on transcendentalism and aspires to live the life described in these writings. In the film, Into the Wild, Chris expresses his belief of reliance in nature, self-reliance, as well as rising against authority despite possible consequence. Few people embrace this transcendentalist life because it implies that one has to fend for themselves in this world. Chris lives the life of a transcendentalist because he does everything in his power to live a happier life in …show more content…

In Thoreau’s Where I Lived and What I Lived For, he talks about planning where one lives in society and eventually leaving behind items that may inhabited a place before moving to that land which is why “A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone” (53). The fewer objects blocking one and his/her independent thought, the happier they are. One should know that objects don’t associate with happiness, but what one defines happiness is about how one feels about themselves and society, which means that the person should believe anything they do not want to believe, without the interference of society to change that. One must know that these objects can make an impact on a person, which can possibly change their perspective on life, which does not necessarily mean that one will be …show more content…

In Civil Disobedience, Thoreau is talking about how men should not devote themselves to the wrongdoings of society, which is why he exclaims, “The soldier is applauded who refuses to serve in an unjust war by those who do not refuse to sustain the unjust government which makes the war” (6). Those who take action for what they believe in are those who are recognized and praised by the people who refuse to leave the unjust government out of fear. Transcendentalists are those who are not afraid to express themselves whole-heartedly even if that means consequence like imprisonment, murder, etc. If an action is holding one back from living his/her desired life, they should not be afraid to stand up for what they believe

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