Examples Of Totalitarianism In 1984 By George Orwell

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George Orwell uses the protagonist Winston to represent truth in a deceptive world in his novel, 1984. In Oceania, Big Brother is the omnipotent and all powerful leader. Everything the government dictates is unquestionably true, regardless of prior knowledge. Even thinking of ideas that go against Big Brother’s regime, or thoughtcrime, is punishable by death. Winston serves as the dystopian hero, longing for freedom change. Orwell uses Winston to emphasize the importance of individual freedoms, as they give us the ability to fulfillingly lead our individual lives. In order to remain in power, the inner party must have complete rule over each of the citizens in Oceania. Totalitarianism is achieved when the citizens have surrendered their …show more content…

The juxtaposition of these terms obliterates their true meaning, an example of doublethink. (expand on this, perhaps in another paragraph and add “connective tissue”) Although these slogans may be oxymoronic by our connotations, for the citizens of Oceania they aare the utmost truth. Although war results in destruction and the loss of life, it provides peace because it provides socioeconomic security. By allowing the lower classes to constantly struggle in a state of wartime rations, more goods are available to the upper class. Freedom is a sign of individuality; it poses a threat to the hierarchy of society, and therefore results in punishment (slavery). For this reason, ignorance truly is strength. Today we often hear the cliché “ignorance is bliss.” Being unaware of all the injustices in the world is much simpler and safer than knowing the truth and accepting cruelty. In nearly every aspect of life, the Party is in control. Even past events may be altered. For example, at Winston’s job at the Ministry of Truth (or Minitrue in Newspeak), he must edit old articles and other mediums that are no longer “true.” If an item in the past contradicts what the Party says is true, then it must be altered and all evidence must be destroyed. Winston …show more content…

The ability to respect and care for one another is one of the things that makes us human. Love is also, to some extent, a biological requirement. We need love for proper psychological development and for reproduction. However, the Party has removed love because true love takes away love and loyalty to Big Brother. When they were hiding in the woods, Julia and Wilson agree, “If they could make me stop loving you – that would be the real betrayal… [But] It’s the one thing they can’t do. They can make you say anything – anything – but they can’t make you believe it. They can’t get inside you."(137). Emotional expression is innate in everyone; it gives us our unique personality and our will to

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