Examples Of The Seven Affirmations Will Help You Grow Your Self-Worth

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Sometimes all the losses, unkind words, and bad experiences with others can bring us down and make us feel worthless. While there are many things you can do to help yourself, the right affirmations can help you realize your self-worth despite what happens, what other people say, and what experiences you have. Bottom line: If you feel worthless, you need to avoid telling yourself you feel worthless and say the following affirmations instead. Feel Worthless? These 7 Affirmations Will Help You Grow Your Self-Worth 1. I Am The Only One Who Decides My Value A lot of times we feel worthless when other people compare us to others. For instance, our parents telling us that we are not doing 'as good' as someone they know can hurt our self-esteem. …show more content…

Living Mantra (repeat after me) Gone are the days when I am hard on myself. I treat myself with love and compassion. #Inspiration — Christina DeRosa (@christinaderosa) May 13, 2017 (-- removed HTML --) 4. I Have Done A Lot In My Life When we feel worthless, we tend to forget all of our accomplishments in life. It's as if we have never done anything good - ever. But that's not true. You have done a lot in your life, and you need to remind yourself of that. Title a piece of paper with 'I Have Done A Lot In My Life' and then list out all of the things you have done. You may not remember everything at once, but the more you affirm to yourself that you have done a lot, the more you will remember those forgotten moments where you accomplished things and felt happy and proud of yourself. Soon, you will see just how much value you really have in this world. And you will go forward paying attention to all those amazing things you do each day. I've accomplished a lot  pic.twitter.com/ekxdxzz4Vk — UNILAD (@UNILAD) May 11, 2017 (-- removed HTML --) 5. I Am Awesome At.... You are capable of doing so many things. AND, you are already awesome at so many

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