Examples Of The Attorney-Client Privilege

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LS 602 Comprehensive Exam Capstone Sherron Chatman Kaplan University Privilege One of the basic doctrine between a client and a lawyer is confidentiality. Clients seek confidential advice from their attorney’s and trust their attorney to protect that advice to the fullest extent that the law permits. However, there are instances when the scope of protection is not as clear. In these instances, there have been different and conflicting decisions reached by the courts when determining the best protection for confidential and privilege communication. Some of the decisions have caused innocent people like Alton Logan to suffer for 26yrs for a crime he did not commit, on the other hand, the United State judicial system offers a strong defense as one of its basic tenets. This paper will review the attorney-client privilege and provide arguments for and against the Understand that outside the United States privilege issues get tricky and you should be very careful with respect to what you think might be a privileged communication. 10. Train the business on all of the above and find teachable moments when you see something that jeopardizes the privilege or is not a proper use of the privilege. The attorney-client privilege is a valuable asset of your company. Treat it as such. Identify outside counsel to help answer questions about the privilege and ask them for a free CLE/presentation on the scope of the privilege in your state. Train yourself, your team, and the company on best practices. Be constantly vigilant and in teaching mode on the issue — and fight like hell to preserve and maintain the privilege when challenged Reference Attorney and Client. Evidence Indicating Communications to Be in Furtherance of Client's Plan to Commit Future Crime Held Not within Purview of Attorney-Client Privilege. (1955). Virginia Law Review, (1), 101. References Boatright, D. T. (1995). What, exactly, is a privilege? Journal of Environmental Health,

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