Examples Of Technology And Fads In The 1920s

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Cheyenne Downing Ms. Andrews English 11 May 18, 2014 Technology & Fads in the 1920's The 10 years between 1920 and 1930 was a time of partying, creativity, and having fun. Even though slavery was over and gone for 60 years there were still racist things going on; like lynching, racial slurs, and blacks weren’t being treated equally. Thus started the great migration. Which had a lot of African Americans, who experienced discrimination, move to the north in search for a better life. Just a few years later there was a boom of creativity: radios, jazz, movies, and flappers. Drive-in-theaters were built, changes in music, and also in fun. So many culture inspired things it started a new era of the history of blacks called the Harlem Renaissance. Black people had their own form of poetry, music, and singing. It was the new and improved age of the 1920’s. The technology in the 1920’s was the start of everything we have now. Many things were being made like helicopters, penicillin, radios, and refrigerators. This made people feel innovative and relaxed because they were letting robots/machines do their jobs for them making life easier. Another thing that changed society was the fads. The clothing changed from up to their neck and down to their feet to half of your chest out and a dress half way over your knees. It made people feel creative and different. That they could do anything they want, they definitely felt liberated. So one major investment in the 1920's to science was Medicine. In 1921 two Canadian scientists made a medicine called Insulin. Insulin helped people suffering from diabetes which made the world a healthier place. Then in 1928 Alexander Fleming found a mold that could kill certain types of bacteria. This mold became... ... middle of paper ... ...e change of women and fashion Jazz came along & changed their lives. The Charleston dance was a dance anyone could do and everyone did. And finally the entertainment changed with a man named Harry Houdini. Harry Houdini was around for a while but from 1919-1926 he did silent movies like "the master mystery". Then from 1920-1926 he did magic and fortune telling. He got his stardom from shameless self-promotion & sincere commitment to the public good. Houdini finally died in 1926 October 31st. Conclusion So as you can see technology and fads made people feel relaxed and comfortable. You didn’t have to rub salt on your meat to keep it fresh for a day. You could use a refrigerator and wouldn’t have to worry about your food getting rotten anymore. Also the clothing was more loose and playful. So all in all the 1920’s was a really relaxed and comfortable time period.

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