Examples Of Social Justice In Child Abuse

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Social Justice in Child Abuse

Introduction Information gathered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services shows that 963,870 children were victims of some sort of abuse. Many irreproachable children are being mistreated by adults just because they were misbehaving. This will introduce the statistics on Child Abuse and sentinel injuries that cause this to happen.

The Statistics of Child Abuse Statistics show that abuse has been an issue with parents harming their children as a punishment. This can lead to kids having a broken and damaged childhood. In the book, “Child Abuse,” it shows that “Parents are 22 times more likely to abuse their offspring if they live on less than $15,000 annually than are those who earn more than $30,000 per year” which leads to …show more content…

There are a lot of forms of child abuse in the book because it was the time that parents could whip their kids without them going to jail. One of the things that happened to Scout was when“Miss Caroline stood back still, then grabbed me by the collar and hauled me back to her desk” (Lee 21). This part of the book was a major problem of this topic because nobody in that town considered that a form of abuse, but thought of it as giving the kids a “taste of their medicine.” Many parents and adults thought that their system of raising and teaching children was the “proper” way of doing things. When Miss Caroline told Scout“‘[to] tell [her] father not to teach [Scout] anymore and [...] [to] tell him [she’ll] take [...] over from here and try to undo the damage--”’ (Lee 17). It was a form of Child Abuse because it would've affected Scout mentally and the teacher feels like there is only one right way to teach a kid. Even if you say something to a child that could affect them, it will still be a form of Child

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