Examples Of Social Hierarchy In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Social Hierarchy plays a big role in To Kill a Mockingbird, it’s where people stand in the community, the rich are at the top, and the poor are at the bottom. It’s the reason why some people are treated with great respect and some people are treated like dirt. The reason the citizens of the community act the way they do. Three different examples of social hierarchy classes in To Kill A Mockingbird are the Cunningham’s, the Finch’s, and the Robinson’s.

The Cunningham’s are treated with a little deal of respect for their wealth. Instead of paying for their stuff they might have to exchange it for crops or labor. There son Walter Cunningham can’t even eat lunch and the other kids pick on him for that. People might not say that he gets treated different for his social hierarchy with him being poor but in a way he’s not getting treated like a normal kid. And sometimes they pull him out of school for help on the farm but that is putting a damage on his education. Overall the Cunninghams are mediocre on the social hierarchy scale. …show more content…

Even though Scout and Jem might cause a ruckus throughout the community. They might not have much money but Atticus is the main lawyer of Maycomb so all the citizens respect him for that. He is polite and seems to always know what to say. Also whenever there is a problem it always seems like he’s the one solving it. He is also very wise so he shows the reasonable ways to approach those problems. But when he represented Tom Robinson in the case, he might’ve lost a great deal of respect with the white citizens but gained it right back with the black citizens. Overall the Finch’s are very high on the social hierarchy

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