Examples Of Silent Observation Essay

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There are times when people watching can be the most exciting thing ever. Whether that’s sitting at a coffee shop and taking in the view around you. Silently watching those as they go about their life not realizing that a college student is watching their every move. There are times when one might find themselves in the park, sitting on a bench and wondering what that couple on the other side could possibly be arguing about. People watching though entertaining at times, can have its challenges as well. Sometimes the distance might prohibit us to hear what is actually going on. Other times there are hindrances such as way too much going on around our surroundings. Yet, there seems to still be one thing that continues to persist, and that’s the …show more content…

Her working on her biology homework, me silently observing people. The place was packed with human beings in every corner. There were a lot of people to observe and watch. Myriads of different people were in the coffee shop. There were girls catching up with their friends which usually was in a one on one setting. Guys catching up with their buddies, couples talking with one another, and mothers and daughters talking about life. As I found myself standing in line waiting to order my masla chai latte, it was interesting to see the differences in styles of communication. How girls communicate with each other, whereas how guys communicate with one another. Although, one thing remained the same there were a lot of hand gestures going on. Moreover, regardless of what the people in the coffee shop seemed to be talking about there was an intensity in eye contact. The people’s eyes were fixed on one another as they talked with each other. They didn’t notice their surroundings or looked around at the people that walked by. It was as if their gaze was saying, “I’m giving you my full undivided attention. Talk to

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