Examples Of Schizophrenia In Macbeth

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Macbeth Faces Schizophrenia
Macbeth is a famous violent play by William Shakespeare. It is set in Scotland and is about how ambition drives a man towards evil. Macbeth suffers from Schizophrenia. He shows several symptoms such as hallucinations, overwhelming guilt, and delusion.
Throughout the whole play there is an unreal atmosphere. Not only does it make us doubt whether it is “foul and what is “fair”, it also makes it unclear whether certain hallucinations in Macbeth are real or just hallucinations. Hallucinations are symbols of Macbeth’s guilt. One of the most important hallucinations that occurred in Macbeth is the floating dagger, which accompanies Macbeth as he murders Duncan, the King of Scotland. Macbeth doesn’t believe that the floating …show more content…

Before Macbeth kills Duncan, and after he kills him, guilt starts to weaken his ambition and certainty of the choice he had made to kill Duncan. Right before Macbeth kills Duncan, he gets discouraged. He believes he will not carry out the murder. Lady Macbeth is scornful for her husband and accuses him of cowardice and a lack of love for her. Lady Macbeth reassures him that everything will go the way it is supposed to. Finally, Macbeth decides to carry out the murder. This is where the real guilt starts to appear. When Macbeth is alone and does not have Lady Macbeth to help comfort him, he starts having hallucinations again. He sees the dagger leading him to Duncan’s room. Once he commits the murder he is obsessed by thoughts of guilt. He starts hearing voices and starts saying bad things about him. Lady Macbeth doesn’t know whether she should believe him or not. Macbeth starts to feel really guilty when he is told that Banquo has been killed. He imagines the ghost of Banquo sitting in his chair. He starts shouting to his imaginative ghost and Lady Macbeth is worried about him and takes him away. Macbeth wasn’t the only one who suffered from guilt. Lady Macbeth is also guilty since she was really the cause of the murders

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