Examples Of Repression In 1984

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The forced repression of natural impulses in ”1982” In ”1984” George Orwell depicts a totelitarian dystopian world where there is no freedom and citizens are being brainwashed constantly. Without any sense of induvidial fairness, people work hard for the party, much like the gear wheels in a machine. In order to achieve this, the politicians in ”1984” supress peoples thinking and eliminate their freedom by creating fear through propagande, strict laws and incessant surveillance. The totalitarian regime force repression of natural impuses, which leads to a constant struggle in the form of a inner conflict. The Party seek to destroy any type of bond that is not directly to the regime itself. In ”1984” love does not occure as we know it today. The love between the main character Winston and the younger girl Julia is strictly forbidden and is in fact a crime. Winston wishes to marry Julia, but then his former wife must die. This leaves only the option of secreatly explore their relationship. Winston is on constent guard, knowing that their luck will not last long. His inner conflict grows as he does not know if he is willing to pay the price of his love. In the end Winston loses his love for Julia: ”He loved Big Brother now”, as he become tyrannicaly brainwashed O’Brien, of of the inner Party members. Love is a natural impulse for most of us, it is something …show more content…

It is not false to state that mankind needs sex to survive. However, in ”1984”, sex is only a tool for reproduction. Orgasm is a crime and sex should not be used to please ones ”cravings”. The Party suggest that insiminating sperm is the the future, an evolutionary way for the mankind to reproduce but not be able to experiance pleasure or a sexual bond towars one another. Sex is, just like love, anatural impulse many of us used for reproduction, but mostly

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