Examples Of Push And Pull Factors Of Immigration

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There were a lot of things that made immigrants moved to America or pull factors according to www.emmigration.info. A good example you know that many people moved to America because of things that happened in there country? According to www.emmigration.info a push factor is something that happened in the immigrants country that made them move from their home. One big reason that happened in their Jewish home country, Israel is that they would get punished for their religion. If the Jews got caught praying or teaching their religion they would be persecuted or be burned to death. Jewish immigrants moved to America because of persecution in their country. They were persecuted by Christian European countries. The immigrants moved out of their country because of the fear of the Romans. The Jews also moved out because of diseases that got them sick so they had to move. …show more content…

A good example of a pull factor is stabilities in economics. The stability of economics helped many immigrants in there time they need help for their money. The United States gave them jobs so they could earn their money and that is important for them. Safety is another example of a pull factor for immigrants to America. Safety protected the rights and lives of the immigrants that moved to America. So that they could stay and more people should move to America and get protected. Probably one of the most important things that America has that Israel did not have was freedom. Freedom let the people do whatever but if it they broke a law they had to pay consequences. Freedom let them vote, work, go to school, and more things to do that are important in their

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