Examples Of Pressure In Macbeth

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Have you ever been pressured into doing something that you did not necessarily want to do? If you have, you are not alone. This happens in real life as well as in fictional stories. In Macbeth, Shakespeare uses pressure in order to depict real life issues that even relate to events in today's society.

A real life example of pressure could be the current presidential election, as both candidates are feeling forced to either make statements they think are not true or are belittling the other candidate in order to make themselves look better. In Macbeth, the differences in political beliefs made Lady Macbeth pressure Macbeth into murdering the king in order to take over and rule for himself. Lady Macbeth persuades Macbeth to murder Duncan by saying “We fail? But screw your courage to the sticking - place and we’ll not fail” (1.7.69-71). In the end, it was the cause of Macbeth’s death as he was not able to hide the fact that he …show more content…

The team is depending on me to place in every meet and it is a lot of pressure to make sure I do not let them down. If I do not perform to the standard that I am held to, then I feel like I disappointed the team. In Macbeth’s situation, he did not want to let down his wife, so he did whatever she wanted him to in order to gain her approval. However, meeting that standard is not always the best solution. In my case I naturally want to win, but it would have been smarter for Macbeth to defy his wife’s wishes.

Pressure is depicted in Shakespeare’s Macbeth by showing how being put in a position to impress others is not always the best option. Everyone is pressured in different ways and each person handles the pressure differently, but it is clear that pressure exists in everyone’s lives. What we should learn from Macbeth is that we should not succumb to pressures from others in order to avoid regrets in the

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