Examples Of Prejudice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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How would you react if someone said something racist to you or one of your friends? Prejudice is a common theme throughout not only the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, but in today's society as well. Although the novel is a Fiction story, made up by the author, Harper Lee. The story is based on a real life trial between nine black men, that were being accused of raping a two white woman near Scottsboro Alabama in 1931. The black men in this trial ended up serving time in jail for a crime they didn't commit. This trial was called the Scottsboro Trials. Racism is a major topic throughout our world today. The Prejudice problems of 1935 are the same as now in 2017.
Through the time period of the 1930’s racism continues to be a problem. Throughout …show more content…

Scout is singled out throughout the entire novel because she is a girl. She tries to prove herself by showing the boys at school and even her own family members that she's not a wimpy girl. She has tough skin and can take anything that comes her way. But as the story goes on Atticus, Uncle Jack, Calpurnia and Aunt Alexandra try and force Scout to become more like a girl. She should be wearing dresses and staying inside helping keep the house clean and preparing meals, like most girls do in this century. Jem makes fun of scout by telling her “Your acting more like a girl everyday” (69). Gender equality continues to be problem as the years go by throughout the United States. Woman used to not be able to vote, own property and even hold a job. Men were the only ones allowed to do all these things. Woman were only really allowed to clean the house and make meals for the men when they got home from work. These circumstances aren't the same now, but some still stand. In an article written by Mia Bush it explains how woman of today are still working towards equality. “The U.S. rates 28th out of 145 countries in an annual world ranking of equality for women” (1). The woman of the united states still to this day and are fighting for equal pay and jobs. “Discrimination against women and girls continues worldwide in the form of gender-based violence and discrimination” (1). Being a girl in the time of To Kill a …show more content…

Although Terrorism has its own name and is not called “Prejudice” it still is considered a major part of the prejudice title. Some forms of Terrorism are still the same as they were before, but a lot of Terrorism that goes on today we don't even notice. It constantly goes on throughout the United States and around the world daily. People are constantly being killed for their race and religion all over the world. The terrorist groups target certain races like Christians, or even Americans visiting the countries that seem to be Christians. They are taken as hostages for long periods of time and most of the time are killed. In an article about Religious Terrorism Joshua D. Wright states, “The concern with religious terrorism in general is that religious terrorism is more deadly than other forms of terrorism” (6). When the United States was attacked on September 11, 2001 it caused the nation to be scared, but it also taught us how to be more prepared and aware of the things that could be happening throughout our country and world. In the times of To Kill a Mockingbird it was a lot harder to receive the news and awareness of what was happening in the world because of the lack of news. With technology now in 2017, we have easy access to what's going on at all times throughout the world. “Social media is an essential element of modern terrorism” (1), With social media being as popular as

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