Examples Of Power Corrupts In Macbeth

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One example that showed that power corrupts is the Witches telling Macbeth their prophecy in Act 1 Scene 3 Line 65 . That's where everything started because now the witches’ prophecy lit this lamp of greed in Macbeth's heart which had him believing that he could be king. But as you may have heard glory doesn’t come that easily. In order for one to achieve success, one has to do many things. The same applied to Macbeth. In other words, Macbeth did many acts to become king, But perhaps more evil acts. In Act 2 Lady Macbeth influenced Macbeth to kill the king Duncan so he could become the king. And obviously Macbeth was blinded by the want/power if becoming king, So later on in the Act 2 he kills king Duncan so that he could take over the Throne.

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