Examples Of Political Correctness In 1984

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The central idea in Newspeak is used in today’s society to limit ideas and prevent people from being different. Political Correctness demands that people adhere to its standards of ideology in order to be acceptable to a society of peers. Any idea that is different than societies value is crushed by people who share political views. Words and actions are abolished by citizens in order to gain the approval of the people around them.
The idea of Newspeak is alive in American society and controlling all word, thought, and deed of its citizens. There are many different ways thoughts, ideas or views on certain subjects are squandered in order to attain political correctness. The constant bashing of other views by their peers makes them afraid to …show more content…

Each feeling or action had only one word. Any words that embellished one’s speech were deemed trivial. This can be related to the limiting of words that specify religion or denomination. According to political correctness, “Merry Christmas,” needs to be simplified to “Happy Holidays” in order to please everyone. Similarly to the idea of not being allowed to say, “Merry Christmas,” students at one Illinois university were prevented from chanting, “USA! USA! USA!” at sports events (Mosley). This is a direct violation of freedom of speech. These students were told not to chant this offending phrase because they might aggrieve the population of muslims on campus. If people are not allowed to show support and emotion towards their own nation, what are they allowed to support towards? In 1984, the situation was exactly opposite. Every citizen was forced to show undying love for Ingsoc in exuberant ways. The Party even had a session called “two-minute hate” where the citizens had to express deep malevolence towards the enemy, Emmanuel Goldstein. If they were not aggressive enough in their hatred for Goldstein, they were in danger of being vaporized. Anything that could be seen as unsupportive of the party was deemed treacherous and could be

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