Examples Of Phony In Catcher In The Rye

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There comes a time in every person’s life when they begin to take notice of the fake people that exist in the world around them. For main character, Holden Caulfield, in J.D. Salinger’s novel, The Catcher in the Rye, this time begins in Holden’s teenage years. As he begins to observe the authenticity of the people in he encounters, he notices a vast difference between those he identifies as phony over those who are true to themselves. Holden is a teenage boy, who attends the school of Pencey Prep, but is later kicked out due to the minimal effort he puts into his schoolwork. He then decides to seek out New York, where he encounters new people in the ‘adult world’. There are several instances where he makes a personal judgement as to whether …show more content…

He is disgusted by the great amount of people ‘selling themselves’ in the world. For instance, Holden claims to despise reading magazines that feature “a lot of phony, lean-jawed guys named David in [them], and a lot of phony girls named Linda or Marcia”(110). Holden’s roommate in school, Stradlater, is another example of someone Holden would consider a phony. Stradlater is described as being a ‘secret slob,’ meaning he always looked good, yet he had a filthy razor, for instance. Stradlater is “mostly a Year Book kind of handsome guy” (56), who appears a better person in pictures, than he truly is. In addition, Stradlater takes advantage of the girls he dates Holden decides his roommate is a phony because when better known, Stradlater isn’t as picture-perfect as he appears. Next, Holden senses insincerity and phoniness in a piano player he encounters. The piano player has a flashy style of playing, as to win the affection of the audience, rather than playing from his heart. Holden categorizes the audience of the piano player as phonies as well. He can’t believe the audience acts “exactly like the same morons that laugh like hyenas in the movies at stuff that isn't funny”

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