Examples Of Neo Colonialism

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Colonialism is the practice by which a nation-state extends political, economic, and military power beyond its own borders over an extended period of time to secure access to raw materials, cheap labor, and markets in other countries or regions.
European colonialism was the period between 16th and mid-20th century. The triangle trade had emerged in the 16th century and slaves, sugar, furs, and cotton, enforced through military interventions, drew together the people, politics, economics, and even diseases of Europe, Africa, and the Americans in a triangle of previously unimaginable, highly unequal, and long-lasting relationships of exchange. Even today, we can find traces of many of these connections in the global economy for example, the French military operating in Côte d’Ivoire. So, the European colonialism played a pivotal role in establishing the framework for today’s global economic system. …show more content…

According to this concept despite the end of colonialism, the underlying economic relations of the modern world system had not changed. The economic system of developed countries is still structured to extract resources from less developed countries .Theorists believe that poor countries are not poor because of some fundamental structural flaw ( such as inadequate natural resources) , but because participation in the global economy which left them under

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