Examples Of Mccarthyism In The Crucible

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Arthur Miller’s ‘The Crucible’ is set during the Salem Witch Trials, a time where McCarthyism was an acceptable idea. McCarthyism is a practice where accusations are made on people based on little to no evidence. In 'The Crucible' allegations are made against innocent people, especially women. The women and men are then put on trial for practicing witchcraft. The court system functioned on unfair and unjust trials; their main motive being for the accused to confess. The only way to survive being executed was to confess and give names of others who were involved. Failing to confess eventually lead to one’s death by hanging, pressing, and other horrific inhumane methods. In modern times, we see McCarthyism linked to race. Criminal accusations are placed on African Americans today that date as far back as the 1700s. African Americans were seen as inferior people and more prone to committing crimes. These accusations prompted many unjust arrests and deaths. …show more content…

African Americans make up a small percentage of the population but dominate the inmate population. In the report "Jail Inmates at Midyear 2014" written by BJS Statisticians, Todd D. Minton, and Zhen Zeng, it is stated that "of the total jail population, blacks represented 35 percent" (Department of Justice, 2014). These numbers contribute to the growing issue of negative stereotypes on African Americans. Because of this, African Americans have a higher chance of being stopped by police. In an article published in 2013 by the New York Times, the author talks about stop and frisk statistics in New York City stating that "In about 83 percent of cases, the person stopped was black or Hispanic" (The New York Times). This statement proves that police and law enforcement discriminate against blacks and other minorities such as Hispanics, by stopping them in most of their

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