Examples Of Mayella's Power In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Is Mayella Powerful?
In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird white and colored people have freedom according to the Jim Crow laws which were followed by Maycomb a town that’s people based their race, class and gender differences on those laws and own knowledge of right and wrong. Mayella Ewell who gained control using the advantages she had of being both white and female during a trial showed signs of power and having control, does Mayella only have power and control over others but her own self?
Occupying an abandoned colored person’s cabin was Mayella and her family living behind her town’s garbage, her mother’s death led to Mayella having to take the responsibility of seven brothers and sisters, this home to Mayella gave her a place in society in her town and where she stood according to what people labeled her class. Tom Robinson who stated “Yes, Suh. I felt sorry for …show more content…

Mayella using this manipulation had possibility to accuse many others of her own mistakes, manipulation and knowledge define Mayella as she could have accused her own race such as her father as it was evident she was certainly abused by him race gave power over a person on top of the other in Mayella’s trial.
Class, gender and race give power over others, Mayella was a poor white female who took the job to care for her siblings, took the evident abuse from her own father for others not herself. Mayella does not have power over her own, because she used manipulation to gain control but lose control after the trial as she went back home to her everyday life again she only had power over others using class, gender and race but not the power to manipulate to her own

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