Examples Of Life Lessons In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Good books have a moral or life lesson at the end of them, but great books have many. In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Scout, the main character, learns many lessons. Scout is a stubborn little girl, who has been raised with good morals. Just in the course of a few years Scout goes through some life changing events. Atticus Finch, her father, and Calpurnia −Scout’s mother figure– teach Scout that everyone should be treated equally, to fight with the mind, and to judge people fairly. One of the life lessons Scout learns is that everyone should be treated equally. The first way she learns this lesson is from Calpurnia. When a classmate comes over for lunch, Scout criticizes him very rudely. Calpurnia takes Scout into the kitchen and scolds her. Calpurnia tells Scout that just because their guest is unaccustomed to their dining, it doesn’t mean that Scout can disrespect him. “Don’t matter who they are, anybody sets foot in this house’s yo’ comp’ny, and don’t you let me catch you …show more content…

One way is when Atticus tells Scout not to judge Miss Caroline, her first grade teacher. Scout is very angry with Miss Caroline and thinks she is mean. Scout is told to walk around in Miss Caroline’s skin to see where she is coming from. Even though Scout doesn’t necessarily understand it, she realizes the meaning and is thoughtful with her judgment of new people. Moreover, when Scout meets Boo Radley the lesson is further cemented into her brain. Before she met him, Scout believed all the rumors that people said about them. “Boo was about six-and-a-half feet tall...hands were bloodstained…long jagged scar that ran across his face; what teeth he had were yellow and rotten…” (Lee 14). these rumors led to her thinking Boo was a monster. However, at the end of the book when Scout meets Boo, he is nothing like the monster she was led to believe. In the end, she finally learns that to judge people unfairly is

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