Examples Of Institutional Racism

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It was thought that the color of people 's skin could say exactly who they are. These ridiculous ideas of knowing who people are based on what they look like were derived from stereotypes that have been around for a while. These stereotypes came from the Ku Klux Klan, also known as the KKK, who spread these ideas like wildfire. These ideas were drilled into people 's heads, and these ideas were taken as true facts, and this influenced them to do actions that can 't be proven to be racist, but have a racist motive. This concept is highly seen in institutional racism. The KKK spread many ideas that made people who were different seem like savages who did not con form to society. Laws were set into place to prevent discrimination. Despite laws, these stereotypes are still seen today and thus we see institutional racism. In today 's society, it is said that institutional racism still exists, but it isn 't as bad as it used to be. Institutional racism is the idea that people can have racist thoughts or actions without being blamed for it since it is often difficult to prove. People can walk down the street …show more content…

When employers start believing in stereotypes, racism is now being incorporated into institutions, and thus we see institutional racism. Laws are set in place to protect people from discrimination, but there is nothing set to protect them against institutional racism since it is often difficult to detect. Institutional racism can often be hard to detect because people of color can apply to a job, but the employer may deny them the job because the employer is racist, but there is no way to prove that the employer denied them the job because of the color of their skin. Once ideas of a certain race are spread, stereotypes are created and are then well incorporated into

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