Examples Of Inequality In The United States

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Inequality is a broad term that could relate to many aspects of life, this essay will focus on the inequality of wealth. Inequality is the spread of wealth among the citizens of a measured nation, in this case the United States. The United States currently leads the developed world in inequality, which has sparked debate among scholars. Although I do not believe that all inequality is bad, I do believe that its growth needs to be monitored. Historically inequality has helped the United States greatly in respect to economic growth, recently however it has gotten to a point where it is becoming dangerously counterproductive. Although, upward capital mobility continues to occur, most of this mobility is reaped by those who are already flourishing at the top. An unequal spread of wealth can create mixed emotions for citizens. With only a small percentage truly benefiting from inequality growth in America these emotions are not always positive. As shown in Professor …show more content…

This idea was suggested by New York Times columnist David Brooks who believes that the poor are simply not working enough and are being held back by their life decisions such as having kids too young or dropping out of high school. Although this is true for some residing in the poor or working class it seems rash to believe that every single poor person suffers from time inconsistencies such as working too little or not obtaining enough education. A much more likely explanation is the idea that those who are born poor stay poor and those who are born wealthy stay wealthy. Yes everyone is offered free public education, but not all schools are of the same quality. The affluent can afford to live in the neighborhoods of these good schools and programs that give their children a huge advantage over their poorer

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