Examples Of Inductive Reasoning

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industry were given a scenario that sales have fallen. They were then given plans of actions to take and were to then list them in order from “least important to do first” to “most important to do first”. They were then compared to 50 of the industries experts. In conclusion, higher growth was associated with greater practical intelligence when leaders wanted their company to grow. 7. (Number 12 on question sheet) Explain the concept of Inductive reasoning and Deductive reasoning. Provide TWO examples of each of these to illustrate your points. The concept of inductive reasoning is to be able to make a probable conclusion, but not certain, with available evidence in certain situations. An example of inductive reasoning in the text (Psychology …show more content…

Gerrig, Stony Brook University) is developing a conclusion of whether a certain restaurant accepts credit cards. The surrounding evidence is that you are in an upscale neighborhood and the menu has expensive items. With this evidence you are able to think that the restaurant does accept credit cards. Inductive reasoning is based off probabilities. Another example of inductive reasoning is if a certain restaurant sells pizza without looking at the menu. Observations that are made is that you smell an odor that is of pizza. Another observation that is made is that you are in an Italian restaurant in which pizza is an Italian dish. With this evidence, you can believe that this restaurant sells pizza. Deductive reasoning is a logical conclusion base off at least two statements. An example of deductive reasoning in the text (Psychology and Life, 20th Edition, Richard J. Gerrig, Stony Brook University) is that you are about to go to a restaurant and you were wondering if they accepted an American Express credit card. You call the restaurant and an employee tells you that they accept all major credit cards. With this information, you can conclude that this …show more content…

( Number 11 on question sheet) Explain the concept of synaptic transmission. Include the following structures: synapse, axon, dendrite, neurotransmitter, and receptors. How do these structures interact and complete a synaptic transmission? The concept of the synaptic transmission is to send information across the synaptic gap. Synaptic transmission is put into motion when the action potential reaches the terminal button. Once in motion, information from one neuron is sent to another across the synaptic gap due to synaptic transmission. The synapse is the gap that is between two neurons. This is where information has to cross so the information from one neuron can be received by another. The axon is what nerve impulses travel from and is the extended fiber of the neuron. Dendrite is what receives the signals and impulses from neurons and receptors. Neurotransmitters are messengers that are given off by neurons. It stimulates the postsynaptic neuron when it crosses the synapse. Last are the receptors that transmit signals from stimulus to the dendrite/neurons. How all of these complete a synaptic transmission is by dendrites receives signals from receptors first. Then, this information received from the dendrite is sent to the axon. The axon sends this information along its entire length to its terminal button in which neurons can stimulate glands. The axons information is sent from neuron to neuron across the synapse. Finally, the neurotransmitters are what enable the

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