Examples Of Hypocrisy In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “That which we call sin in others is experiment for us.” We constantly criticize others for doing wrong, while in truth, we are doing actions that are equally despicable. In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, a historical fiction novel, we are introduced to a six-year old child, Scout, living in Maycomb, Alabama. She experiences hypocrisy in her once believed to be perfect society. Throughout the novel and the court case – in which Tom Robinson is accused of raping Mayella Ewell – Scout sees the severe injustice in her society. Even though Atticus, Scout’s dad, defended Tom well, Tom was still convicted of rape. Later, her and her brother, Jem, were attacked by Bob Ewell because he was mad at the Finches for …show more content…

For example, Mrs. Merriweather is prejudiced towards black people in Maycomb, and always believes she is the holy figure; she gossips, “‘Sophy…you simply are not being a Christian today. Jesus Christ never went around grumbling and complaining’” (Lee 232). This clearly demonstrates Mrs. Merriweather’s hypocrisy; even though she whines about her black servant complaining, she is clearly doing the same thing at the moment. It is ironic that she is bashing her servant on complaining, yet Mrs. Merriweather is doing the exact same. Her social status makes her think she is better than a black person, doing everything correctly, but in reality, she is hypocritical. She has a mindset of expecting everyone to be perfect and become subservient to her, yet doesn’t realize her own flaws. Furthermore, Miss Gates is also consumed by prejudice in thinking about how “it’s time someone taught ‘em a lesson, [the blacks] were getting’ way above themselves, an’ the next thing they think they can do is marry us” (Lee 247). Although she believes “[America] is a democracy and Germany is a dictatorship”, she clearly knows that Tom Robinson wasn’t given a democratic jury (Lee 245). Again, Miss Gates talks about the sinful actions Hitler committed against the Jews, wanting people to be a perfect figure; yet at the same time, she believes that black people did not …show more content…

For example, the smokers in this world see the damage smoking can do on their lungs. They caution kids and other children to not smoke, but they themselves smoke without thinking about the consequences. Smokers will usually give the excuse that they cannot get off of the addiction, even though they have not actually ever tried to. They create lies to themselves to force it into their minds that they are right and that it is not dangerous to smoke for them. In reality, they are rejecting the truth and becoming hypocrites. They believe that telling others not to smoke is an effective way to warn others and create a better generation, but they don’t realize that still smoking themselves will encourage others to smoke. Furthermore, people in our society constantly bash the celebrities for being greedy and not sharing enough of their wealth. These envious people who actually rise to that level become the same “monsters” they called the celebrities; these newly rich people are also consumed by greed and use the money for themselves. Our society constantly believes the evil behind wealthy people, but if put in their social class, they would end up doing the same thing. People want to see a perfect world, but don’t understand that they have underlying greed themselves. Moreover, our society always says that we are fair towards a certain race. In college admissions,

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