Examples Of How To Get Rid Of Mice Essay

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How to get rid of mice A few months before winter starts the rodents are trying to find a warm place to spend this time, and are entering our homes. Yet, it is never late to start protecting yourself from mice. So here are the ways how you can get rid of these pests. There is always more than one mouse in your house If you have seen a mouse, be sure that there are definitely several of them. Like humans, they are looking for food, water, and warm places, and if you have seen one be sure that there are more nesting with it. Moreover, they multiply quickly. Droppings are not the only sign You will also find little pellets along your countertops which are the signs of mice. Moreover, you might find chewed cartons, books or magazines if they are easily accessed by pests. Mice may cause dangerous damage …show more content…

Damaged wires are very dangerous since they can lead to short circuit and as a result to a fire. Mice are also carry different illnesses and bacteria dangerous for pets and kids. Different remedies Unfortunately, there is no evidence if DIY repellents, like peppermint sprays, cotton balls soaked in oil and cayenne pepper or dryer sheet stuffings are effective. Since you are not a professional and cannot calculate a dose which is needed to get rid of mice, they might not work. If you still want to use them try to find certified products online. Mouse-traps Classical spring mousetraps are an effective method of catching a mouse. Use the food which attracts mice most, put several traps in the places where you have seen a mouse and wait. The more traps you install, the more effective your hunt will be. Find their way Of course, randomly put traps won’t be effective. You need to find where pests are coming from. Try to determine where they are nesting and set traps around these places so mice can easily access them. Save your home from the

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