Examples Of How To Get Rid Of Mice Essay

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How to get rid of mice

1. Mouse infestation, why is it dangerous?
Most of us have faced the problem with rodents at least once and there’s no need to explain how troublesome it might be to get rid of them. Especially when they breed so quickly threatening your house with a real infestation. Besides the fact that seeing mice in your house is very unpleasant, mice are carriers of numerous parasites, bacteria and even viruses which сan be very dangerous, including Lymphocytic choriomeningitis. It affects human brain and you сan become infected by simply inhaling the dust which contains mice urine or droppings. Fortunately, there is a couple of reliable methods to get rid of this trouble.

2. Ways to get rid of mice:

2.1. Mouse traps
The most popular traditional way to get rid of mice at home is to use mouse traps. Seems quite easy but there are some tips you should know. Everybody knows image of a mouse eating cheese from a famous cartoon, but in fact it’s better to use some seeds, nuts or even peanut butter in your trap to attract a mouse. Make sure to place it near mouse holes or along the walls and remember that they like dark places, so kitchen, attic and garage are the most expected to be infected. …show more content…

Poison doesn’t drive mice away, it kills them, so you will need to get rid of the remnants, otherwise it will give a horrible smell. Poison can also be dangerous for humans and pets, so don’t forget about precautions, especially if there are pets or children in the house. Use gloves when cleaning your house and disinfect everything properly after everything is

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