Examples Of Hope In The Great Gatsby

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Reader Response: The Ambiguity of Hope Hope is the driving force in our lives that keeps us going even though there is an inevitable end to our lives. Without hope there would be no reason to continue living regardless of what it is that you may hope for. According to dictionary.reference.com, hope is the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best. If this is the case then with no hope that would mean that you would not believe that things will turn out for the best additionally, if what is wanted cannot be had then there would be no point in continuing to live. With these ideas of hope it would be difficult to see hope as something that can be detrimental to your life. In The Great Gatsby, the …show more content…

Gatsby idolizes Daisy and sees her as his only goal in life. He makes all his money for her, buys his massive and magnificent mansion for her, and throws extreme, expensive parties in order to try to get her attention. He devotes his entire life to trying to win over the love that he shared with her in the past. Nick even warns him when he says “You can’t repeat the past.”, but Gatsby replies with “Can’t repeat the past? Why of course you can!”(Fitzgerald 110). Gatsby is blind to the fact that the past is the past and that you live in the present. His infatuation takes away from any fulfillment he may have in his life because the only true fulfillment he will have is if he achieves mutual love with Daisy. Friedrich Nietzsche stated, “In reality, hope is the worst of all evils, because it prolongs man’s torments.” If Gatsby had just forgotten about Daisy when he went to war he may have lived a life that was much more enjoyable, but because he is not willing to let go of the hope that he will someday win her back; his negative feelings are prolonged. According to psychologytoday.com, “…hoping that things will be different is stupid and thus evil in its effects.” Gatsby hopes that things will change, but in reality they will not. The bay that separates them can be used as a symbol for the distance that has grown between them; furthermore it is the impossibility that they will ever be together again. Gatsby hoping that things will be different is like hoping that the bay will dry up magically and he will be able to cross it and achieve what he has devoted his life

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