Examples Of Hammurabi's Laws

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Hammurabi was the king of the ancient civilization, Babylon, from 1792 BC to 1750 BC. However he had extremely harsh laws, his set of laws was called Hammurabi’s code. A popular example of Hammurabi’s code, is “Eye for Eye”; that law stated that if something bad happened to you, then the person who committed the “crime” would be punished equally. Though, some laws were much worse; if a son hit his father, his hands would be cut off, I know… Harsh!

In my opinion, most of Hammurabi’s laws were extremely unfair, and if you were a woman it was even worse! 5 year old boys had more power than 40 year old women. A law in hammurabi’s code, states that if a woman is killed, then the person who did it, would pay 10 gold pieces, however if a man was

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