Examples Of Greed In Macbeth

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In life, each and every person must know how to control their own greed and selfishness, If exploited in exactly the right moment greed can make you. But if used at the wrong moment it can break you.

During the tale of Macbeth, we see a great man and how his greed and lack of patience destroys not only himself, but the people that surround him and his country. Lady Macbeth uses her misplaced greed to tempt her husband, that is already teetering on the edge of regicide. Provided Macbeth listened to Banquo when he said, "The instruments of darkness tell us truths, Win us with honest trifles, to betray us in deepest consequence." Macbeth may not have killed the king, and if he had just been patient the crown might just have fallen onto his head. …show more content…

This First-Person View of life causes us to believe that most of our deeds are righteous. As we weigh the consequences of our actions we move our empathy to the side as we play with other people's lives and how our choices will affect them. This causes people in positions of power to think of others as merely numbers, or pawns on a chessboard. Some modern-day examples of this effect are how militaries move their troops in order to lose the fewest supplies or soldiers, or how businesses will step on both people and the law just to make more money, or how politicians cater to the wealthy in order to make more money for themselves or to consolidate their power for longer. If each and every person took this approach to life each bout of greed would breed others until the world was brought to its …show more content…

The undying want for more power and wealth is within each and every one of us. While some people have the willpower to act out their greediness some people like Lady Macbeth use others to get what they want. During act 1 Lady Macbeth is seen plotting King Duncans murder. While plotting the murder Lady Macbeth says, "… What thou art promis'd. Yet do I fear thy nature, It is too full o' th' milk of human kindness. To catch the nearest way." when Lady Macbeth said this she knew that Macbeth was too good of a man to Kill Duncan, knowing this Lady Macbeth is prepared to do and say anything to convince her husband. It's important to live your life knowing that your greed is always sitting patiently at the back of your mind at all times just waiting for a little nudge. When Lady Macbeth questioned Macbeth's manhood and berated him, it pushed him into doing an act that even from the very beginning started to destroy his sanity. Even as Lady Macbeth saw her husband's mind start to fall apart, she continues to bully him and question his manhood. Our families are supposed to care for us they're not supposed to use us a tool to sate their own desires. Though each person will struggle with greed at some point in their life it's important to know that greed is one of many qualities we have, like compassion, love and

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