Examples Of Greed In Beowulf

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(A) “Remember how he clung to the rotting wealth / Of this world, how he clawed to keep it, how he earned / No honor, no glory” (1758-1750). (B) The poem “Beowulf” written by an unknown author and was set in Sweden and Denmark. In the story, many men and kings were easily corrupted by money and abused the power that they had, and what came of this is an unfortunate end usually in the wars that they started. (C) This could have easily happened to Beowulf but he happened to listen to the advice of those who were wiser than him. (D) Beowulf was the ideal hero and a great king with nothing lacking in his character, and Beowulf believed that a good king should rule without the thoughts of greed and pride.
(E) Beowulf learned that a good warrior and king should not think of himself above others, and he must use his gifts for the reason they had been given. (F) Before Beowulf left the Danes, Hrothgar warned him against the both the dangers of pride and of the dangers greed. (G) Hrothgar described to him a man who had everything he could ask for but when greed took the man’s …show more content…

(P) Beowulf humbly gave everything to his people, and shared his wealth and wisdom to help his people prosper. His fatal flaw was more fatal than it was a flaw, and because of it he lost his life to protect those who were not willing protect him. (Q) Listening to the advice of others, rather than ruling alone, is what made Beowulf so great in the end. He may have been boastful when he was young but as he matured he became wise and humble. When Beowulf became king, he did not live through past actions, instead he continued to give his people reasons to serve him. (R) A lesson from this is that the past does not make the future, people can go from bad to good and from good to great if they take the help given, by those who want to see the great in

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