Examples Of George Washington's Foreign Policy

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Foreign Policy is a major contributor to the well being of a nation. Strong foreign policies originated with the first five original United States presidents, specifically, George Washington, James Madison, and James Monroe when they set strong examples. George Washington was the first president to set a strong foreign policy. He used his tranquility and rationality to make good decisions for the United States. In the Proclamation of Neutrality, Washington declared that the United States would from there on out avoid an involvement in foreign wars and affairs. “...United States require, that they should with sincerity and good faith adopt and pursue a conduct of friendly and impartial toward belligerent powers...”. This portrays Washington addressing his foreign policy which is to stay respectfully stay impartial to countries at war. He instructed that we stay neutral. He also advised against forming any permanent foreign alliances. Washington thought that if we abstained from any foreign affairs, it would keep us out of wars, which it did. …show more content…

He only turned to war if necessary and truly cared about the country. He used his compassion and critical thinking to help the United States succeed. When Britain was impressing American sailors, Madison did not hesitate to take action and protect and defend the United States. In the James Madison Special Message to Congress on the Foreign Policy Crisis War Message, he states “British cruisers have been in the continued practice of violating the American Flag on the great highway of nation… of a foreign nation and exposed, under the severities of their discipline. This essentially means that Madison is no longer tolerating Britain’s abuse over American citizens. Madison tried to evade conflict and only faced war if

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