Examples Of Foreshadowing In Once More To The Lake

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We hear the expression “I wish I was your age again” from our parents all the time. Some young people ask themselves why their parents would even say this, as adults have so much freedom in terms of what they get to do. From teens’ perspective, we see being an adult as doing whatever we want, whenever we want without anyone telling us, “no.” That is not the case. From adults’ perspective, they see being a kid as not being bound by the chains of reality. The chains of reality being the actions of them having to go to work everyday, or even clean the house.There are no chains to imagination, a kids imagination is something that can shape and change. Then we realize that we stop using our imagination and then as we grow up, we start to realize the significance of that expression.Death is inevitable and we should always appreciate the good things in life. In the piece, “Once More To The Lake”, E.B …show more content…

Anything that might reflect permanence is a mirage. The foreshadowing in this piece has an electric and chilling way of getting to E.B. White. The first example of foreshadowing is the storm.The thunderstorm represents death. Thunderstorms are usually a sign of a bad omen in literature. As White is describing the thunderstorm, the dynamic of being near the lake suddenly changes. “Then the kettle drum, then the snare, then the bass drum and cymbals, then crackling light against the dark, and the gods grinning and licking their chops in the hills,”(#4). The musical imagery reflect a symphony of sound. When the storm is finally over, White's son decides to go swimming.“ As he buckled the swollen belt suddenly my groin felt the chill of death,” (4). The chill that White gets is the realization of death. He realizes then and there that death is inevitable and accepts his mortality, but looking back on the lake he finds joy and hope. The lake is where his memories were made and they cleanse and heal

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