Examples Of Field Work Essay

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Zoe is a very great attentive student. She is a student whoholds a lot of valuable pronciples from her Haitian-Cuabn culture. The monment she enters the building she greets people with respect. She always says good morning and refers to all staff and her peers by their name. Zoe always comes to school in a positive attitude. I have yet to see her upset which allows me to believe she is good in toning her emotions or personal life outside of school grounds. Outside of school she is always busy between homework, family and tutoring at the SCO Family Services program in Downtown, Brooklyn. By the end of her long day she is exhausted but yet a smile is always on her face giving no sinces of anger or worries.if I was to describe Zoe’s emotional tone or color it would be lavender. She is calm, soothing to me around but ye keps firm.she had a bright future a head of her. Between the classes I have observed her in she is always energetic, cheerful and strong minded. She is excited in theatre class showing off her acting skills and in Spanish class she is attentive when doing her Spanish class work. Throughout her Zoe’s day at school her feeling tones remain constant. When she walks throught the hallways she is giggling and talking to her …show more content…

We spoke very deeply about the Haitian culture, the importance of school, family and going for a higher education. She told me multiple times the importance of having a 90 grade point average so she can get a scholarship for college. She has many strong personal commitments. She is in a dance group, her tutoring students in foster care and her determination and driveto be a better student each and everyday. Zoe is very expressive to all her teachers about her grade. She is on top of her school work. She ask all the time for extra credit or how progress in the classroom on a weekly basis.She is very strong

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