Examples Of Extravagance In The Great Gatsby

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The peacock represents Gatsby's extravagance. In the third chapter, Nick details Gatsby's party and its "prodigality" (44). He later notes Gatsby's "elaborate formality of speech [which] just missed being absurd," reaffirming Gatsby's excessive attention to detail (53). This extravagance is often to charm Daisy, with his "greenhouse ... with innumerable receptacles" and "his shirts piled like bricks in stacks a dozen high" (89, 97). A peacock is a fitting metaphor because of its flamboyant plumage; however, other than to attract mates, there is little purpose to the excessively bright tail. This feathered tail illustrates Gatsby's extravagance in its vibrant appearance. Gatsby frequently displays his wealth through his parties and luxuries,

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