Examples Of Disease In Jane Eyre

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Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre is filled with poverty and a very specific example of disease. The novel explores what happens in the poorer parts of society and comments on the conditions being held up. Urbanization led to deadly air and diseases spreading like wildfire. Although Jane was brought to Lowood to learn and become a functioning member of society she was actually being put in harm's way due to less than efficient health standards.

Disease does not show up often in Jane Eyre but when it does it causes an uproar. Due to the industrialization and urbanization of England the air and health standards were unlivable. Not only was the air making people sick due to all of the pollution and fumes coming from factories, but the standard of …show more content…

Brocklehurst as a harsh and uncaring man, "should any little accidental disappointment of the appetite occur… the incident ought not to be neutralized by replacing with something more delicate to comfort lost…take the opportunity of referring to the primitive Christians" (pg. 63). The food was less than satisfactory and if something were to be wrong with it then the girls would have to eat it anyway. Malnourishment was common for these girls and their diets were very unhealthy. Charlotte is commenting on the conditions of the time period and how some would simply just ignore the lack of cleanliness because it was beneficial for them. Brocklehurst was making money from his school and spending very little on the girls. He didn't care about the conditions because he resided in a nice house a few miles away where he hid, "Mr. Brocklehurst and his family never came near Lowood now: household matters were not scrutinized into" (pg. 77). Many people would turn their eyes away from the poor and sick until it became such a devastating factor that they could no longer ignore it, "when the typhus fever had fulfilled its mission of devastation at Lowood, it gradually disappeared from thence" (pg. 83). There were

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