Examples Of Dehumanization In Lamb To The Slaughter

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Is retaliation justifiable? Has anyone ever told you something so unforeseen and remarkable that you lost your mind? Not literally of course, but you lost the ability to make rational decisions and think things through. When a person is in shock they tend to suppress their sensible mind and react with actions seemingly out of character for them. Succumbing to this sort of mentality doesn’t mean you’re weak, it just means you’re human. Imagine if you had just been told you were adopted. What would you do? Would you be thankful that you’re wonderful parents took you in and loved you? Or would you be vengeful towards the parents who gave up on you? Both are reactions, both have consequences, yet sometimes one is easier than the other when you’ve …show more content…

The story is about a woman named Mary Maloney and her husband Sam Maloney. Mrs.Maloney is described as typical 50’s housewife who stayed home and took care of the house while she waited for her husband to come home. She loved her husband very much. On page 2 the author wrote, “She loved to luxuriate in the presence of this man.” As if she almost worshipped him in a way. On the other hand Mr.Maloney was cold and aloof. He said never asked or said things, so much as he demanded them. When Mrs.Maloney offered to make dinner he kept saying to her, “Sit down! Just for a minute, sit down.” Once she had sat down he told her that he was leaving her and that he’d make sure she was taken care of. She was so distraught and shattered that she went to the freezer and grabbed the frozen leg of lamb and struck him with it. She did this almost robotically, as if she herself wasn’t doing it but her body was. She was mistreated for so many years yet she stayed with him. The news of him leaving her after everything she’d done for him was her breaking point. Before the emotional trauma of the news, she would’ve never done that. But the him leaving was so surprising and soul crushing that she wasn’t even lucid at that point. She had be so badly broken that she killed the man she worshipped. …show more content…

It’s also about a husband and a wife. This time their names are Mr. and Mrs.Foster. Mrs. Foster has severe anxiety about being late. Mr.Foster has what’s known as a sadistic personality. He likes to cause pain for people and watch them suffer. He often feeds stress into his wife by stalling and purposely being late for everything just so she’ll go ballistic. She never confronts him about it because “he had disciplined her too well for that.” (Paragraph 3) Mrs. Foster had spent months persuading him to let her go to Paris for 6 weeks to see her daughter and grandchildren. He was making her so late that she finally walked back up to the house to tell him they had to go. When she reached the door she heard him stuck in the elevator. She knew that this trip to Paris was her ticket to freedom so she left him in there and told the driver that had was staying home. When she got back her husband was dead and she was free. He had tortured her for so long and she was finally free. She knew exactly what she what would happen if she left him in there, but after all the torture and emotional abuse she knew she had to leave him in there. Her actions are completely justified because people have the right to defend themselves which is exactly what she did. She knew that he would keep hurting her if she helped him, so she ended the pain the only way she knew how. Over the years all the suffering she had gone through because of him

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