Examples Of Corrupt Government In The Crucible

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The Crucibles; Corrupt Government

History has its way of repeating itself, regardless of the aftermath that occurs after each similar tragedy. Yet, the traumatic happenings keep coming up. Throughout the years, our ancestors have always managed to find different schemes in which all lead to the same outcome. Multiple historic tragedies are due to the same thing: blindly following leaders. For the duration of history, there have been multiple internationally known afflictions known for the after effects: the Salem Witch Trials, which caused many innocent people (and a dog) to be sentenced to death: McCarthyism and the Red Scare, although it didn’t send innocent people (or dogs) to death, the similarities are scarily similar: and the notorious Holocaust, which nearly wiped out an entire race of people. All of these, due to everyday people following those who are trusted, without foreseeing any of the consequences after the fact.

The Crucible proves this theme. The amount of hypocrisy was almost as wretched as preying on the defenseless. Likewise, it was a frequent occurrence. “[Abigail] danced for the Devil… I go back to Jesus, I kiss his hand…” …show more content…

that occurred under the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler. However, he wasn’t by far the only one in the wrong. Germans all over the country had followed him as well. Which, it started small, outcasting these people, boycotting their businesses, and wrongfully making intimations about their culture, how they acted, and who they were. All three of these historical events are veritably similar. “Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. More dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions.” (Levi) Primo Levi also talks of how blind Hitler’s followers were. The lack of individual thinking caused thousands of innocent people to be abused, and

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