Examples Of Conformity In The Giver

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Imagine a society where everyone is the same. In this imaginary society, everyone wears the same clothes, follows the same rules, and has a predetermined life. A community just like that lives inside of Lois Lowry’s The Giver and this lack of individuality shows throughout the whole book. This theme is demonstrated through the control of individual appearance, behavior, and ideas. To start, in chapter three, the narrator mentions the loudspeakers in the community and said that announcements include things such as, “ATTENTION. THIS IS A REMINDER TO FEMALES UNDER NINE THAT HAIR RIBBONS ARE TO BE NEATLY TIED AT ALL TIMES,” found on page twenty-three. This small reminder to all girls under nine years old about their apparel is only the …show more content…

For instance, the narrator says when talking about Jonas, “He had been trained since earliest childhood, since his earliest learning of language, never to lie,” (page one hundred eighty-two on the digital version). This is example of conformity is shown by how obedient the citizens in The Giver are to this rule. This blind obedience covers up the possibility to be an individual by eliminating the freedom to say whatever one would like and letting it represent themselves, whether it be negative or positive. Another thing noticed is in chapter one when the narrator mentions the telling of feelings, which is when every family member has to explain how they It is at this time when everyone is behaving the same way that there is no room for differences in behavior (individuality). It is possible for a person to show who they are without telling their feelings, but when they do this, they become like everyone else and lose their uniquity. In conclusion, the ability to express one’s self is removed when rules involving behavior are put in …show more content…

Along with eliminating color, the community removed the memories for the community members (other than the Giver and the receiver of memory) because the people who created the community did not want the community members to feel pain or anything negative, which can be found in chapter thirteen. People could have had different opinions that could have caused disagreement about certain events in the past, so they gave memories to the receiver, which also destroyed opinions about everything else. These ousted memories included opinions that showed who people were through their beliefs and ideas, and all that was left was conformity. In short, the community was people who could not show who they truly were because they did not have the capability to see colors or obtain

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